Brief notes about Part 1 of Beyond Feeling

任何人想要熟练掌握一个活动,首先必须理解它的工具和规则。想要掌握批判性思考也是这样,只不过评判性思考的工具是各种概念,它的规则是控制精神的规则。(Anyone who wishes to master an activity must first understand its tools and rules. This is as true of critical thinking as it is of golf, carpen- try, flying a plane, or brain surgery. In critical thinking, however, the tools are not material objects but concepts, and the rules govern mental rather than physical performance.)

Who Are You?

第一章通过考察Who are you?这一个问题引出来你是怎么成为现在的你的?是完全自己主动选择的吗?作者不认为是这样,他认为我们是被我们生活的时代和地点,社会上流行的观念,大众文化,操控,心理学等影响下被塑造成的。



  1. 观念本身
  2. 观念推到出来的其他观念
  3. 观念暗示的其他观念


我们要怎样抵制上述的种种呢?答案是Becoming an individual(成为一个个体)!作者说个性不是与生俱来的,是得来的,更确切的说是挣得的。个性起源于你开始意识到你逃脱不了人和形势的影响。个性的精髓是警惕(vigilance)。个体是有正确的自我认知的人,是不受操控的人,不受外部影响的人。作者分享了四条指导方针:

  1. 对人、问题和情况保持克制。不管他们多么吸引人,在没有仔细考察过它们之前,先不要欣然接受它们。(Treat your first reaction to any person, issue, or situation as tentative. No matter how appealing it may be, refuse to embrace it until you have examined it.)
  2. 判断你为什么会做出这种反应。思考下是否是从你的父母、朋友,抑或名人、虚拟的电视角色那里借鉴过来的。如果可以,考察下是什么特殊的经历是你做出了这种反应。(Decide why you reacted as you did. Consider whether you borrowed the reaction from someone else—a parent or friend, perhaps, or a celebrity or fictional character on television. If possible, determine what specific experiences conditioned you to react this way.)
  3. 对人、问题和情况除了第一反应外,还有没有其他可能的反应。(Think of other possible reactions you might have had to the person, issue, or situation.
  4. 问下自己除了第一反应外,是否有其他更合理的反应。在你回答的时候,抵制你的条件反射的影响。(Ask yourself whether one of the other reactions is more appropriate than your first reaction. And when you answer, resist the influence of your conditioning.)

What is a critical thinking?